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april fool 四月傻瓜〔愚人節中受愚弄的人〕。

Whatever the prank , the trickster usually ends it by yelling to his victim , “ april fool ! 不管這個惡作劇是什么,最后,人們總是對著被捉弄的大叫: “愚人節傻瓜! ”

Pranks performed on april fool ' s day range from the simple , ( such as saying , “ your shoe ' s untied 在愚人節上被使用的惡作劇從簡單的, (例如說: “你的鞋帶散了! ”

Pranks performed on april fool ' s day range from the simple , ( such as saying , “ your shoe ' s untied 愚人節的惡作劇有簡單的,比如說: “你的鞋帶松了! ”

There really wasn ' t a “ first april fool ' s day “ that can be pinpointed on the calendar 有人認為它的來歷與500年前人們慶祝春季來臨的第一天有關。

There really wasn ' t a “ first april fool ' s day “ that can be pinpointed on the calendar 沒有人能夠在日歷上標明第一個愚人節是什么時候。

Others played tricks on them and called them “ april fools “ 那些知道的人們就捉弄他們,叫他們“四月愚人“ 。

, the mom answered , “ i know - april fools ! 媽媽回答,我知道,愚人節快樂!

April fool ' s day is a “ for - fun - only “ observance 愚人節是一個“享樂”的節日。

april shower

Well , when we were young , my sister and i loved to play tricks on my parents , especially on april fools day 過去姊姊和我經常作弄爸媽,我其中一個美好的回憶是在愚人節發生的。

Trina : ok , let me tell you . the people in portugal do this trick as their tradition on their april fool ' s day 好吧,我告訴你,這是葡萄牙人在愚人節的傳統整人把戲。

When it comes to april fool ' s day , europe ' s media are having the last laugh 本文來自news . jewelove . net說起愚人節,歐洲媒體堪稱這一天“整人大賽”的最后贏家。

Whatever the prank , the trickster usually ends it by yelling to his victim , “ april fool ! 不管這個惡作劇是什么,最后,人們總是對著被捉弄的大叫: “愚人節傻瓜! ”

Pranks performed on april fool ' s day range from the simple , ( such as saying , “ your shoe ' s untied 在愚人節上被使用的惡作劇從簡單的, (例如說: “你的鞋帶散了! ”

It is controversial whether sow false news on the net on april fool ' s day be an online prank 在愚人節時用網路散布不實消息是否算是網路惡作劇引起了爭論。

It is controversial whether sow false news on the net on april fool ' s day is an online prank 在愚人節時用網路散布不實消息是否算是網路惡作劇引起了爭論。

Every year is that the west is also american popular tradition festival april fool ' s day on april 1 每年4月1日,是西方也是美國的民間傳統節日? ?愚人節。

Pranks performed on april fool ' s day range from the simple , ( such as saying , “ your shoe ' s untied 愚人節的惡作劇有簡單的,比如說: “你的鞋帶松了! ”

Typical april fools ' pranks include putting salt in sugar jar and sugar in salt jars 最典型的愚人節惡作劇就是把鹽放在糖罐里然后把糖放在鹽罐里。

There really wasn ' t a “ first april fool ' s day “ that can be pinpointed on the calendar 有人認為它的來歷與500年前人們慶祝春季來臨的第一天有關。